Pinterest is a social network for sharing and organizing images. It is a tool for collecting the beautiful or inspirational things you find on the web. I have started a Pinterest site especially for kinetic art. In it I have boards to organize images of my work, the work of other kinetic artists, and inspirational ideas. Like Facebook, you can follow me on Pinterst and see the things I find and pin.

This site is broader than just completed kinetic art. I have boards on inspiring shapes. They might find their way in a wheel design someday. I have a board on whimsical kinetics just for fun but also one on kinetic toys, which is an expanding spot for gift ideas! I doubt that I would ever wear any kinetic jewlery but I am collecting ideas there. Perpetual motion is always a fun concept and I collect pins of ideas exploring that concept. My Pinterest site is becoming a clipboard of ideas.
You have to be a member to view Pinterest but for those of you interested in visual things on the web, I recommend joining. If you follow me, you'll see the new things I have pinned when you check in to see the pins of those you are following. If you also start a Pinboard in the kinetic relm, let me know and I'll follow that as well.
Here is a link to my Pinterest site.
Here is a link to the main Pinterst page for signing up: